Green Trust, Kilowatts for Humanity, Seattle University and General Electric's We Share the Power installed a 2.4 kW solar energy kiosk in Chalokwa, Zambia. Green Trust has kept detailed records of the kiosk expenses and revenue sources, permitting a high fidelity analysis of the different aspects of the business operations. Gross profits are presented for different revenue sources, including non-perishable foods, frozen meats and fish, soft drinks, cellphone airtime, and solar home kits. After six months of operation the original business plan assumptions are revisited and compared to kiosk operation. This analysis results in a revised framework for updating the current business plan and improving on future plans of off-grid energy kiosks. A number of changes to the kiosk business model are proposed and analyzed, such as revising the pricing structure of products to improve community access/sales, pivoting to new revenue sources, and future potential business opportunities.