We live in a world of limited biological resources and ecosystems, which are essential to feed people. Consequently, diversifying target species and considering full exploitation are essential for fishery sustainability. The present study focuses on the valorization of three low commercial value fish ...
With the worldwide demand for tropical penaeid prawn increasing in recent decades, more research on shrimp culture methods is needed to enhance efficiency and profitability for shrimp farmers. The objective of this study was to develop a technique to boost the productivity, feed efficiency, and profitability ...
In recent years, the effects of novel antioxidants have played an important role in the research focusing on fish cell protection. As food demand grows, aquaculture production becomes more intensive, and fish are more exposed to oxidative stress conditions, like high densities, temperature shifting, ...
Global warming causes the poleward shift of the trailing edges of marine ectotherm species distributions. In the semi-enclosed Mediterranean Sea, continental masses and oceanographic barriers do not allow natural connectivity with thermophilic species pools: as trailing edges retreat, a net diversity ...
Managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is about managing human behaviours, but decision-making processes have traditionally focussed on ecological aspects, treating social aspects as secondary. It is now becoming more evident that an equal focus on the ecological and social aspects is required. Without ...
Abstract Artificial barriers cause widespread impacts on freshwater fish. Swimming performance is often used as the key metric in assessing fishes’ responses to river barriers. However, barrier mitigation is generally based on the swimming ability of salmonids and other strong swimmers because knowledge ...
Climate change is an impending disaster which is of pressing concern more and more every year. Countless efforts have been made to study the long-term effects of climate change on agriculture, land resources, and biodiversity. Studies involving marine life, however, are less prevalent in the literature. ...
The elevated NH3-N and NO2-N pollution problems in mariculture have raised concerns because they pose threats to animal health and coastal and offshore environments. Supplement of Marichromatium gracile YL28 (YL28) into polluted shrimp rearing water and sediment significantly decreased ammonia and nitrite ...
Observational evidence shows marine species are shifting their geographic distribution in response to warming ocean temperatures. These shifts have implications for the US fisheries and seafood consumers. The analysis presented here employs a two-stage inverse demand model to estimate the consumer welfare ...
Abstract Anthropogenic carbon emissions released into the atmosphere is driving rapid, concurrent increases in temperature and acidity across the world's oceans. Disentangling the interactive effects of warming and acidification on vulnerable life stages is important to our understanding of responses ...
Background How vascular systems and their respiratory pigments evolved is still debated. While many animals present a vascular system, hemoglobin exists as a blood pigment only in a few groups (vertebrates, annelids, a few arthropod and mollusk species). Hemoglobins are formed of globin sub-units, ...
Simple Summary Stress-related losses are of major concern in aquaculture practices. Black seed is a medicinal plant species widely used as natural antioxidants and hepatic-nephric protector. Rohu is a commercially valuable culturable fish species. The present study was undertaken to assess the effects ...
This study aimed to analyse ten trace metal concentrations in the edible part of the freshwater clam Corbicula javanica and to provide a critical assessment of the potential risks to human health through consumption of this clam as food based on well-established indices and food safety guidelines. The ...
The novel coronavirus is predicted to have dire implications on global food systems including fisheries value chains due to restrictions imposed on human movements in many countries. In Ghana, food production, both agriculture and fisheries, is exempted from restrictions as an essential service. The ...
Species distribution monitoring and biomass assessment are crucial for fishery management and resource conservation. However, traditional methods such as motor trawling are costly and less effective than the novel environmental DNA (eDNA) approach. This study employs eDNA approach to investigate horizontal ...
Abstract The status of sardine and anchovy populations in the northern Mediterranean Sea has been declining in recent decades. In this study, fatty acids and parasitism at different reproductive and feeding stages in these two species were assessed using specimens caught along the northern Catalan ...
Abstract Resilience to climate change depends on a species' adaptive potential and phenotypic plasticity. The latter can enhance survival of individual organisms during short periods of extreme environmental perturbations, allowing genetic adaptation to take place over generations. Along the U.S. East ...
Abstract Many species show natal habitat preference induction (NHPI), a behavior in which young adults select habitats similar to those in which they were raised. However, we know little about how NHPI develops in natural systems. Here, we tested for NHPI in juvenile common loons (Gavia immer) that ...
Diopatra claparedii which is colloquially known as Ruat Sarung can be found along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The species has a unique ability to regenerate anterior and posterior segments upon self-amputation or injury, thus having potential as a wound healing promoter. In this study, the ...
Understanding species’ roles in food webs requires an accurate assessment of their trophic niche. However, it is challenging to delineate potential trophic interactions across an ecosystem, and a paucity of empirical information often leads to inconsistent definitions of trophic guilds based on expert ...