Two geometrically identical integrated Z-device structures, integrated in two distinct silicon dices, may have an inverted type of conductivity of the defined tracts or segments of the lines of thin film polycrystalline semiconductor, and be joined together in a face-to-face configuration by common flip-chip bonding technique or similar (i.e.wafer-to-wafer bonding), such that a p-doped thin film leg of one structure faces toward a n-doped thin film leg of the other structure and vice versa. Upon joining the two mirror-like Z-device structures together, the hill-top metal contacts of one integrated structure are bonded in electrical and thermal continuity with correspondent hill-top metal contacts of the other integrated structure, forming a substantially bivalve TEG of increased power yield for the same footprint area and having an enhanced conversion efficiency because of a further reduced internal by-pass of heat by irradiation in consideration of an augmented internal empty space. Thermo-electrically generated current may be gathered from one or several end pad pairs, the pads of which are connected to respective valley bottom contacts, on one and on the other of the two dices of the bivalve device, at the ends of conductive lines of micro cells respectively belonging to one and to the other of the two coupled dices. Several embodiments including one reproducing the circuit of a classical thermopile circuit are disclosed.