The technology, business, and policy dynamics around the development of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) have evolved significantly in recent years. These foreshadow the development of fully autonomous large-scale vessels. This paper provides a concise summary of the current trends in unmanned surface vehicles for academic, government and industry readers seeking a baseline understanding of the field. Technology developments that enable unmanned vessels include machine learning and artificial intelligence, sensors for situational awareness, sensors and systems for vehicle self-awareness and control and telemetry and tools for operator oversight. Notable demonstrations of USVs include long-endurance demonstrations by platforms such as the Wave Glider, trials of naval platforms such as the Sea Hunter USV. The industry dynamics driving the interest in unmanned ships include significant end users, market requirements and opportunities, and ecosystem participants from startups to large corporations. Key projects shaping the market such as Norway's Yara Birkland project highlight the intersection of new technology with market needs. The policy and regulatory environment of unmanned vessels is also important. This important consideration for unmanned vessels has not yet been fully revolved but progress is being made.