Sensor miniaturization and low power drain, combined with the advancements in small, untethered free descent/free ascent vehicles known as “ocean landers,” make near bottom and mid-water measurements of ocean dynamics to even hadal depths possible by any size research institution. This creates an opportunity for increased global scientific collaboration, including impacts of climate and environmental change in the most remote regions. Instrumentation that fit the size and weight constraints of a small ocean lander, such as Global Ocean Design's Nanolander, include Nortek ADCPs. Acoustic sensors noninvasively capture waves, currents, and turbulence spectrum, useful in studies of sediment transport and biomass in the water column. This information complements data from other environmental sensors such as a camera, CTD or DO sensor. Together, these sensor packages provide a multidimensional understanding of a site. This combined approach of miniaturized sensors and ocean landers provides researchers a cost-effective, easily deployable means to measure a wide variety of environmental conditions over any time period defined by experimental parameters. Scientists can follow their research, play a hunch, or respond to a time-critical event much more easily. Vessels as small as 18-ft have been used routinely to deploy Nanolanders to 1km.