For the past fifteen years, industry, academia, government, environmental organizations and other stakeholders have worked together in a collaborative program to provide unbiased science to address environmental and societal issues associated with oil and gas activities. The research team has performed over 40 field trials related to land, water and emissions measurements. Case studies and specific examples on advancements in technologies and processes that have addressed land, emissions, water, stakeholder engagement, and other aspects are discussed. Also discussed is internal progress within industry to ensure that the workforce develops a culture of environmental awareness. Evolvement, aided by this collaborative effort, has been substantial. New technology developed has reduced land impacts through extended reach and horizontal drilling techniques, implementing new, energy-efficient rigs, and improving logistics coordination. Noise and lighting have also been addressed. Emissions have been reduced throughout drilling, completion and production operations through reduced drilling times, electrification of various processes, and flaring reduction. Operators have increased the recycling and use of produced water throughout completion operations and are implementing voluntary water conservation efforts. Public engagement by operators has increased acknowledging that stakeholder engagement is an important aspect of how to address environmental concerns. The team has developed novel methods, for example the development of virtual sites using gaming software, to enable stakeholders to become aware of the importance that industry places on addressing environmental aspects. How industry has successfully communicated advances in environmental stewardship is also discussed.