Maneuverability is one of the most important hydrodynamic performances, the maneuverability of the underwater vehicles is evaluated and predicted from the horizontal plane and vertical plane for decades. However, with the increasing demand of strong spatial movement missions, it is necessary to analyze the underwater vehicle's space coupling characteristics. In this paper, viscous-flow calculations on the SUBOFF bare hull sailing as oblique motion were conducted using different turbulence models in order to verify the accuracy of the numerical methods. The results coincide the experimental values. Based on this, the SUBOFF bare hull sailing as oblique motion with different drift angles were studied using Reynold Stress Model, the variation law of space coupling hydrodynamic is analyzed and some of the flow field characteristics have been captured, which have certain significance on the movement of changing the direction and depth.
Maneuverability is one of the most important hydrodynamic performances, it is meaningful to improve the underwater vehicles' mobility and ensure its safety of navigation. Therefore, it is significant to predict the hydrodynamic force and moment of the sailing underwater vehicles precisely. With the rapid development of computer and technology, the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method shows greater advantages. The application of viscous-flow solvers to calculate the forces on ship hulls in oblique motion and in steady turn has been studied heatly in the recent years. (Cao, 2015; Phillips, 2010; Toxopeus, 2008).
Flow separation from submarine shaped bodies of revolution in oblique motion and steady turning has also been studied in last years, Kim et al (2003)predicted the turbulent flow past a 6:1 prolate spheroid at a range of incidence angles and recommended to use Wilco' k-? model and the Reynolds-stress transport models in the simulation. Phillips et al. (2010) discussed the influence of turbulence closure models on the vertical flow field around a submarine body undergoing steady drift. Gross et al (2011) captured two distinctive streamwise vortices formed on the leeward side and wake shedding near the stern of SUBOFF in the large angle of attack.
However, with the increase of underwater vehicles'; speed and the better maneuverability, the coupling in the space motion can not be ignored. The study for space maneuvering motion has become necessary for the development of modern underwater vehicles.