This suit (1) includes an access opening (30) to the inner cavity or receptacle (10) and a facial opening (50) that are independent; around the facial opening (50), the structure of insulation walls (2) includes a hood (5) and both openings (30, 50), access (30) and facial (50), surrounded by a unfoldable sleeve (4) that is projected from the structure of insulation walls (2); the outer cover of protection includes a headpiece cover (7) that covers the hood (5) and a body cover (6) that are separated by a surrounding passage (9) through which the unfoldable sleeve (4) is capable of unfolding, until forming an environmental protection over said hood (5) and over said access opening (30).
This suit (1) includes an access opening (30) to the inner cavity or receptacle (10) and a facial opening (50) that are independent; around the facial opening (50), the structure of insulation walls (2) includes a hood (5) and both openings (30, 50), access (30) and facial (50), surrounded by a unfoldable sleeve (4) that is projected from the structure of insulation walls (2); the outer cover of protection includes a headpiece cover (7) that covers the hood (5) and a body cover (6) that are separated by a surrounding passage (9) through which the unfoldable sleeve (4) is capable of unfolding, until forming an environmental protection over said hood (5) and over said access opening (30).