Acquacoltura e Pesca Pubblicazione scientifica Acoustic ranging with communication signals for wireless diver guidance to base FILONE TECNOLOGICO TEMA sicurezza e qualità sui luoghi di lavoro RIASSUNTO There are situations in which divers need to find their way to an unknown location within acoustic communication range as quickly as possible without broadcasting additional energy besides that of already transmitted acoustic communication signals, e.g., for acoustic covertness or saving battery life. For these situations, a prototype of a combined acoustic navigation and communication system for divers was developed and demonstrated in open water. DATA Data di pubblicazione: 05/10/2020 AUTORI HENRY S DOL ROBERT VAN DEN BOS ENTE DI AFFERENZA TNOACOUSTICS & SONAR DEPT HAGUETHE NETHERLANDSNL 2509JG RIVISTA Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast (Page(s): 1-5)