Acquacoltura Pubblicazione scientifica Update on Marine Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes: Biotechnological Applications FILONE TECNOLOGICO TEMA produzione e raccolta RIASSUNTO After generating much interest in the past as an aid in solving structural problems for complex molecules such as polysaccharides, carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes of marine origin still appear as interesting biocatalysts for a range of useful applications in strong interdisciplinary fields such as green chemistry and similar domains. The multifaceted fields in which these enzymes are of interest and the scarce number of original articles in literature prompted us to provide the specialized analysis here reported. General considerations from modern (2016–2017 interval time) review articles are at start of this manuscript; then it is subsequently organized in sections according to particular biopolymers and original research articles are discussed. Literature sources like the Science Direct database with an optimized W/in search, and the Espacenet patent database were used. DATA Data di pubblicazione: 13/04/2018 AUTORI TRINCONE ANTONIO RIVISTA Molecules : A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry, 23(4), 901 IMPACT FACTOR 3,010