Many biological studies require the capture of individuals for sampling, for example for measurement of morphological or physiological traits, or for marking individuals for later observations. Capture methods employed often vary both within and between studies, and these differing methods could be ...
Background In 2016–2017, a European-wide circulation of genotype IA hepatitis A virus was responsible for hepatitis A outbreaks in men who have sex with men (MSM). This study aimed to describe the outbreak investigation in Seine-Maritime department (France) and the control measures implemented accordingly. Methods Outbreak ...
Abstract Establishing relationships between parasite infection and physiological condition of the host can be difficult and therefore are often neglected when describing factors causing population declines. Using the parasite–host system between the parasitic nematode Contracaecum osculatum and the ...
We analyse the dynamics of fishing vessels with different home ports in an area where these vessels, in choosing where to fish, are influenced by their own experience in the past and by their current observation of the locations of other vessels in the fleet. Empirical data from the boats near Ancona ...
Abstract Golden and Blueline Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps and Caulolatilus microps) are keystone taxa in northwest (NW) Atlantic continental shelf‐edge environments due to their biotic (trophic‐mediated) and abiotic (ecosystem engineering) functional roles combined with high‐value fisheries. ...
The Indian black clam Villorita cyprinoides (Family: Cyrenidae), an extractive commercially exploited species with aquaculture importance contributing more than 70% of clam fishery in India, is endemic to the Indian peninsula. Currently, there is very sparse information, especially on the molecular ...
In this study, recycled waste fishing net (WFN) short fibers were proposed to be used as short fiber reinforcements. The pullout resistance of WFN short fibers embedded in cement mortar was investigated by conducting fiber pullout tests. Three types of WFN short fibers and two types of commercial polypropylene ...
The effect of a prior chilling period and an alga extract packaging on the quality of a canned underutilised mackerel species (Scomber colias) was investigated. For this different chilling times (0, 4 and 9 days) were taken into account and three concentrations of aqueous extracts of the macroalga Fucus ...
Abstract Lutraria rhynchaena Jonas, 1844 is of great commercial interest, but its reserves have dramatically declined over recent decades. Therefore, there is an urgent need of scientific basis to propose effective fishery management measures and improve artificial aquaculture of the clam. In this ...
Industrial-scale harvest of species at risk of extinction is controversial and usually highly regulated on land and for charismatic marine animals (e.g. whales). In contrast, threatened marine fish species can be legally caught in industrial fisheries. To determine the magnitude and extent of this problem, ...
Simple Summary The increasing demand of nutrients for food and feed imposes the urgent need to implement current nutritional resources while finding valuable alternative sources of fats and proteins. The present study aims to evaluate the efficiency to bioconvert the substrate proteins of vegetable ...
The present study evaluated the self-healing efficiency and mechanical properties of mortar specimens incorporating a bio-carrier as a self-healing agent. The bio-carrier was produced by immobilizing ureolytic bacteria isolated from seawater in bottom ash, followed by surface coating with cement powder ...
The volatile amines trimethylamine (TMA) and dimethylamine (DMA) could be used as important spoilage indices for seafood products, assisting in the determination of the rejection period. In the present study, a systematic analytical duality-by-design (AQbD) approach was used as a powerful strategy to ...
Body condition is an important determinant of health, and its evaluation has practical applications for the conservation and management of mammals. We developed a noninvasive method that uses photographs to assess the body condition of free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the Shiretoko Peninsula, ...
Cannibalism is considered one of the causes of intra-cohort size divergence in fish and is usually believed to result in increased fitness in terms of survival and reproduction, but direct evidence of this is lacking. Population demographics of the clearhead icefish (Protosalanx chinensis) from Lake ...
Amazonian waters are classified into three biogeochemical categories by dissolved nutrient content, sediment type, transparency, and acidity—all important predictors of autochthonous and allochthonous primary production (PP): (1) nutrient-poor, low-sediment, high-transparency, humic-stained, acidic ...
The performance of ship rudders affects ship maneuvering, including, but not limited to, turning ability, yaw checking ability, and course-keeping ability. Previous empirical formulas for the rudder forces did not properly address the impacts of the rudder profile and the interaction between rudders ...
Collagen is the major fibrillar protein in most living organisms. Among the different types of collagen, type I collagen is the most abundant one in tissues of marine invertebrates. Due to the health-related risk factors and religious constraints, use of mammalian derived collagen has been limited. ...
Norovirus (NoV) is the main cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide. Although NoV spreads mainly from person to person, it is estimated that a large proportion of NoV outbreaks are caused by foodborne transmission. Bivalve mollusks are one of the most important foods involved in NoV transmission ...
Background The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in China was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019, and the first cases were officially identified around December 8, 2019. Although the origin of COVID-19 has not been confirmed, approximately half of the early ...