Oceans provide critical ecosystem services, but are subject to a growing number of external pressures, including overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. Current models typically treat stressors on species and ecosystems independently, though in reality, stressors often interact ...
Lagos Lagoon is among Africa’s largest estuarine ecosystems, bordered by one of the fastest growing megacities in the world and the ultimate repository of contaminants carried in industrial, municipal and agricultural wastes. The high levels of pollutants have progressively deteriorated the water quality, ...
Ecosystems provide multiple services that are necessary to maintain human life. Agroecosystems are very productive suppliers of biomass-related provisioning ecosystem services, e.g. food, fibre, and energy. At the same time, they are highly dependent on good ecosystem condition and regulating ecosystem ...
Abstract Light pollution is a rapidly growing threat to biodiversity, with many unknown or poorly understood effects on species and ecosystems spanning terrestrial and aquatic environments. Relative to other taxa, the effects of artificial light at night on aquatic invertebrates are poorly understood, ...
Abstract Baleen whale fecal samples have high potential for endocrine monitoring, which can be used as a non-invasive tool to identify the physiological response to disturbance events and describe population health and vital rates. In this study, we used commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ...
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing activities contribute to economic and environmental issues across the world. Research has been done to leverage technology in the combat against illegal fishing, and methods have been published to enable the use of technology-driven tactics by authorities ...
Tagging studies have been widely conducted to investigate the movement pattern of wild fish populations. In this study, we present a set of length-based, age-structured Bayesian hierarchical models to explore variabilities and uncertainties in modeling tag-recovery data. These models fully incorporate ...
The following topics are dealt with: learning (artificial intelligence); Internet of Things; virtual reality; artificial intelligence; neural nets; feature extraction; 5G mobile communication; sustainable development; augmented reality; agriculture.
Highly selective fishing has the potential to permanently change the characteristics within a population and could drive the decline of genetic diversity. European lobster is an intensively fished crustacean species in the Adriatic Sea which reaches high market value. Since knowledge of population structure ...
La ricerca di nuove fonti biologiche di valore commerciale è un obiettivo importante per la gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali. La grande quantità di catture accessorie nella pesca o nella lavorazione continua di sottoprodotti necessita di essere gestita per evitare problemi ambientali e mantenere ...
Abstract Fishing is a strong selective force and is supposed to select for earlier maturation at smaller body size. However, the extent to which fishing‐induced evolution is shaping ecosystems remains debated. This is in part because it is challenging to disentangle fishing from other selective forces ...
Abrupt transitions leading to algal blooms are quite well known in aquatic ecosystems and have important implications for the environment. These ecosystem shifts have been largely attributed to nutrient dynamics and food web interactions. Contamination with heavy metals such as copper can modulate such ...
Historical records of trace elements in lake sediments provide source-to-sink information about potentially toxic pollutants across space and time. We investigated two lakes located at different elevations in the Ecuadorian Andes to understand how trace element fluxes are related to (i) geology, (ii) ...
Bycatch is considered one of the most significant threats affecting cetaceans worldwide. In the North Sea, bottom-set gillnets are a specific risk for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Methods to estimate bycatch rates include on-board observers, remote electronic monitoring, and fishermen voluntarily ...
Objectives This study is aimed at developing multidimensional leisure participation assessment tool for the elderly to achieve quantitative and qualitative assessment of leisure participation and leisure exploration. Methods This study collected preliminary items through literature review, statistical ...
Simple Summary Parasitic isopods were reported found from marine fishes from many habitat in the world. In Thailand, there is not much study on this parasitic group. This work has compiled all published parasitic isopods documents in Thailand from year 1950 to present include collecting samples from ...
With the worldwide increase of fisheries, fish wastes have had a similar increase, alternatively they can be seen as a source of novel substances for the improvement of society’s wellbeing. Elasmobranchs are a subclass fished in high amounts, with some species being mainly bycatch. They possess an endoskeleton ...
In an ocean warming hotspot off south-east Australia, many species have expanded their ranges polewards, including the eastern rock lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi. This species is likely extending its range via larval advection into Tasmanian coastal waters, which are occupied by the more commercially ...
The organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion is widely used as an agricultural pesticide to control tiger bug in larval rearing for aquaculture. The objectives of the present study were to assess the effects of fenitrothion on certain structural (phytoplankton, zooplankton, macro-invertebrates and periphyton) ...
This study aimed at assessing the quality of water and fishery products as well as the antibiotic resistance status of some selected fish farms of the Central Region of Ghana. Interview guides were administered to farmers to get data on farming practices and antibiotic use. Total coliform loads of catfish ...